Can Nurse Practitioners Work in Hospitals in Florida?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) have many options available to them when it comes to work environments. Hospitals in Florida are just one of those options. Learn more about working as an NP in Florida.

Can Nurse Practitioners Work in Hospitals in Florida?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are certified by a healthcare specialty program accredited by the National Commission of Certification Agencies or the Accreditation Board of. After a doctor's office, the hospital is the second most common clinical setting for an NP. In hospitals, NPs can work in a variety of settings, from the emergency room to intensive care, a heart floor, or the maternity ward. This is a great way to gain exposure to a wide variety of conditions and patient populations.

Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are located at the interface between hospitals and return to the patient's previous life. As such, NPs will likely spend a few months with their customers and get to know them well. Becoming certified as an NP gives you flexibility and options for work environments, schedules and specialization.

AdventHealth Medical Group

, formerly known as Florida Hospital Medical Group, is partnered with the world's largest non-profit Protestant healthcare system, AdventHealth, and a national leader in quality, safety and patient satisfaction.

So when you ask yourself the question: “What do nurse practitioners do?” and “Where can FNPs work?” know that you have many options available to you. Hospitals in Florida are just one of those options. With AdventHealth Medical Group, you can be sure that you will be working with a leader in quality healthcare.

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